Banjo’s Bows is a small pet boutique based in Baltimore, Maryland


How our journey began

Named after Banjo the Cavoodle, Banjo’s Bows is a playful pet lifestyle brand that offers one-of-a-kind, trendsetting bow ties for any occasion. These hand-crafted bow ties are for those who love to dress their fur buddy to impress & to show off all their glory on their social accounts! 

Banjo’s Bows came from a love of wanting to dress Banjo in a bow. I just couldn’t find the right one that fit snuggly around his collar - so I decided to make them myself. My intention was to just make bows for Banjo however we had received so many compliments from people stopping to talk about Banjo in his bow, hence I started making them for everyone. I hadn’t touched a sewing machine since I was 14, so it was like getting back on a bike again & now here we are! 

I make bows for dogs, cats, rabbits, horses or any other fur baby whilst adding a little ‘Kerry’ flare along the way with my choice of materials & patterns. 

Hi, I’m Kerry!

Banjo is my very first dog! My husband David decided to surprise me with Banjo when he was 8 weeks old & it is so true that the saying goes ‘you had me at hello’. Banjo is my soulmate & companion & has a little heart of gold! All the dogs in my husbands family were always named with the letter B so we wanted to stick with this theme, hence the name Banjo. There is an Australian Bush Poet named Banjo Paterson so it’s an ode to our origin! 

We all hail from Sydney, Australia & have been living in Baltimore USA for over 9 years & previous to that we lived in Singapore for 2 years. 

I love taking Banjo out for walks & taking photos of him around our community in his bows. Colorful doors, murals & cool backdrops are what we search for! Banjo takes it in his stride to model & wear sunglasses, hats or props to get the perfect shot! If you see us out & about please make sure to say G’Day to us!

Fun Fact is that I am also a dual Australian Olympic Softball Medalist who competed in Athens 2004 (Silver Medal) & Beijing 2008 (Bronze Medal). 

From what started as a hobby for me then eventually grew into a small Etsy shop & now a full time business. 

We love seeing our bows out & about town & on your social media accounts, it fills our hearts with love because as they say dogs or any pets really are a wo-mans best friend!

And best of all they are Banjo Approved! 



licks and praise

“ These are the best bows! Adjustable Velcro will keep the bow in place on various collar widths. Cannot wait for the other bows I got from Banjo’s Bows for the other seasons of the year!

— Christa